ATControl: Leica AT401, AT402 Matlab controlling application

I have written an application, based on Matlab scripting language, which is controlling Leica AT40x (AT401, AT402, AT403) absolute laser tracker. Reason to write this application is that the official software by Leica (Tracker Pilot) does not allow to register all needed data. Commercial solutions (Polyworks, Spatial Analyzer) are very expensive and huge software packages which are primarily designed to be used in industrial metrology (car and airplain industry).

ATControl 3.0.5
ATControl 3.0.5

My software is desired to be used for stationary geodetic measurement and it is able to register all possible information which can be obtained from the tracker. Additionally, it allows to compute the first velocity correction according to 11 different computation procedures (including Ciddor and Hill 1999 precice procedure approved by the International Association of Geodesy). Furthermore, ATControl corrects several serious errors found in instrument’s firmware which can significantly influece accuracy of distance measurement. Therefore it is believed that the application ensures higher accuracy and metrological tracebility in measurement than other commertional software solutions. Contact me in the comments below if you are interested about the sotware.

7 odpovědí na “ATControl: Leica AT401, AT402 Matlab controlling application”

  1. Hello Flogs, I happened do find this page on the web and your results look amazing.
    I suppose you do not want to share the codes, but could you give me some advices so I can try to write down a tool by myself?


    1. Thank you, Mattia. I don´t want to share the code because of errors which some people may bring in that. But I am able to make some changes according to demands. Everyone can make his own application but to create something I did takes many weeks and rather months of work.

  2. Jsem velmi ohromen s Matlab aplikací. Jsem studentka a je třeba použít LT AT-401 ve svém PhD výzkumu. Snažil jsem se e-mailem vás, ale nemohl najít odkaz kontaktní mohu číst pouze anglicky. Byl bych velmi rád, že jste sdílení odkaz vás kontaktovat. S pozdravem

      1. Hi Manal, thank you for your interest. Yes, write in english please, the automatic translation into czech is quite bad. :) Contact to me is not available here because of spam risk, but I am going to write you an email and so we can continue in our discussion.

    1. Hi Peter, thank you. I am already in touch with you through email. Btw I have edited your post and masked your email address – make sure you are not in danger of receiving SPAM.

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